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Project Description
This chemical manufacturing plant, classified as a TSDF (Treatment Storage and Disposal Facility), was the subject of a RCRA Facility Assessment (RFA) conducted by EPA Region 4. The RFA identified Solid Waste Management Units (SWMUs) at the facility and a draft Administrative Order on Consent was subsequently issued mandating that RCRA Facility Investigations (RFIs) be performed on eleven SWMUs. Lke many historical industrial operations under RCRA, the subject SWMUs include a multiple legacy waste handling areas. Hart & Hickman presented the findings of on-going assessment and remedial design efforts and was successful in obtaining for more favorable placement of the subject SWMUs within the RCRA process. The final Order specifies that eight of the SWMUs are at the point of corrective action approval, two SWMUs require Corrective Measure Studies, and six SWMUs require Confirmatory Sampling. The cost saving associated with the more favorable SWMU placements is estimated to be more than $300,000. Corrective measures planning and execution are underway are a range of SWMUs.