Site Assessment And Due Diligence
Using expert strategies to accurately and cost-effectively assess your site.
PFAS Investigation and Risk Management
Developing smarter PFAS investigation and risk management strategies.
Brownfield Services & Vapor Intrusion
Work with the premiere Brownfield redevelopment consultant in the region.
Developing unique remedial strategies on a site by site basis.
Helping navigate the complex regulatory programs of RCRA & CERCLA.
Wetlands Strategy & NEPA Assessments
Partnering with residential, commercial, and industrial developers for wetland delineation and permitting.
Environmental Litigation Support
Providing expert environmental consulting and testimony for a range of litigation needs.
Indoor Air Quality, Asbestos & Mold
Performing vapor intrusion investigations and mitigation strategies, as well as IAQ and mold surveys.
Permitting & Compliance
Performing permitting and compliance activities for a variety of facilities in the Southeast.