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Project Description
Based upon our performance on the assessment grant, H&H was selected to provide consulting and oversight services associated with the City’s first $200,000 EPA Brownfield Cleanup Grant. Under this grant, H&H prepared and implemented a Cleanup Work Plan for the former Carlton Fenner Tobacco Warehouse site. In June 2008, we completed a Brownfield cleanup on the former Tobacco Warehouse property which is currently an integral component of the recently completed mixed use redevelopment of The Douglas Block.
Based upon the successful implementation of the initial assessment and cleanup grants, H&H assisted the City in winning a second $200,000 cleanup grant award. H&H was subsequently awarded the EPA-funded Cleanup Grant for the former Planters Oil Mill site. An EPA contractor had completed a Phase II ESA on the property and developed a cleanup plan with an estimated cleanup cost of at least $1.2M – a cost the City could not afford. H&H completed additional assessment, in agreement with EPA and DEQ, to fill the previous consultant’s data gaps. Based upon this additional assessment, and negotiations with the DEQ Brownfield Program, H&H developed an approved cleanup plan with an estimated cost of approximately $160,000. Cleanup activities were recently completed on-time and within budget.